Images Move Galleries

Please select a Temple Shalom Emeth - 2007-08 gallery to browse

Sukkot Consecration Service   September 26, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Rabbi RocketPower Book Signing   October 14, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Kitot Gan & Aleph Class Service   October 19, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Bet Family Service   November 2, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Rabbi RocketPower Book Signing - Temple Emunah, Lexington, MA   November 4, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Dalet Family Workshop   November 18, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Friday Night Live!   November 30, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Hanukah Party & Hanukiot   December 2, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Hay - Hanukah Family Service   December 7, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Kitot Gan & Aleph Family Workshop   December 9, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Zayin - Hanukah at Longmeadow Place   December 11, 2007   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Zayin - Class Service   January 11, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Vav - Family Workshop   January 13, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kitot Gan, Aleph, Bet - Family Workshop   January 27, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Dalet - Class Service   February 1, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kitot Gimmel, Dalet - Family Workshop   February 3, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Gimmel - Family Workshop - Torah   March 2, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Vav - Class Service   March 14, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Purim Carnival   March 16, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Purim Shpiel   March 21, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Bernard Nelson Memorial Award Shabbat Service   March 28, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Bet Family Workshop - Shabbat   March 30, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kids Talent Show   March 30, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Carol Getman Memorial Award Shabbat Service   April 11, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Religious School Passover Programs   April 13, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Pre-Hebrew Graduation Shabbat Service   April 18, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Gail Wolfe Conversion Shabbat Service   April 25, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Kitah Zayin Mitzvah Project - Temple Spring Clean-up   April 27, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Lynn Kass - Confirmation Presentation - Eastern Europe Trip   April 28, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Interfaith Holocaust Memorial Shabbat Service   May 2, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Mothers' Day Brunch   May 11, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Staff Appreciation Service   May 16, 2008   Gallery    |    Website
Rabbi RocketPower Book Signing & Temple Open House   June 1, 2008   Gallery    |    Website

The pictures in the above linked galleries may be saved, printed, and shared by the families and friends of the participants. There is no fee for this use. If you wish to submit any of them to the media (newspapers, temple website, etc), please request that appropriate credit is included: 'Courtesy, Dave Rosenberg/Images Move'.

To save or print a picture, right-click on a large picture then left-click on the desired option. Note that thumbnail (small) images will not print successfully above roughly 1" x 3/4".

The pictures have not been weeded out, cropped or adjusted. They should print properly up to 4" x 6". If you would like to print a picture larger than 4" x 6" or if you'd like any of them cropped, please send me an email to with the picture date and numbers (the last four digits of the file name). I will try to get the pictures reposted within a few days but I cannot commit to a specific time frame. I'll send you a reply that the pictures are available.

Important note to parents/guardians/participants

If you want any of the pictures removed from the site, please contact me via email to Please include the picture date and numbers (the last four digits of the file name). I will try to remove them within 24 hours of receipt of your request. You do not need to provide a reason for your request though I am certainly interested in your feedback.

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